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A few quick tips to make your DIY website look professional and polished!

There are a few key things that make your website stand out as either a professional website or a DIY website. Although your website may in fact be DIY, follow these rules to make it look professional, polished and functional.

1. Stick with a template - If using a build your own tool, utilize the templates. This makes the building and design process quicker and easier and ensures your design is streamlined. Templates do the work for you and make sure the design is consistent throughout.

2. Color and design should always match your logo - Once you do pick a template you like make sure the colors align with your logo. They don't have to be the exact colors in your logo but should be in the same color family or match.

3. Less is more when it comes to colors - Keep your background pale simple colors and then use brighter colors for accents. Less is more when it comes to colors so work with a small color selection and don't go overboard!

4. Small things make a big impact - Pick one or two fonts for the whole website and ensure you use them everywhere. Keep your font size for all texts exactly the same. All titles should be the same size and all paragraphs of content should be the same size font.

5. Have one page for the whole website - The new latest layout for websites is to have one long page with different sections. Have links at the top as you usually do and when you click each link it scrolls you down to that section on the page. This new layout is incredibly simple and easy to use for customers and not to mention a lot easier to build.

6. Pictures need to be excellent - This is probably one of the most important things on your website and a really tell tale sign indicating the quality of your site. Phones and computers have such great resolution on their screens now that any pictures they are looking at that are poor quality stick out like a sore thumb. It looks unprofessional and poor quality. People also notice everything in the picture. Is there a messy desk in the background? Maybe an employee that doesn't work there anymore? Make sure that all the pictures on your site are the best quality you can take, and show a professional environment from the best angle! So how do you do that?

A) Always take pictures with your flash on, OR better yet, take photos in natural light, like outside, or beside a window.

B) Designate someone in the office as the picture taker based on who has the best camera on their phone.

C) Be mindful of what is in the background of your pictures and the overall content of your pictures.

D) Always take before and after photos.

E) Think like a professional photographer, was that really the best angle?

Need some help? Technology Solve would love to help you out with any Website needs you have, whether it's a rebuild or just a touch up! Contact us if you have any questions!

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